Problem Tourneys

I wish there was something like Jeremy Gaigeʼs great work on chess tournaments for chess problems: a reasonably well-researched, trustworthy list of chess problem tourneys (I include studies in the term for brevity) that could be used to see what is known about problem tourneys, and preferably also what problems were awarded with prizes, with accurate source references.

It was Breuer’s Beispiele zur Ideengesichte des Schachproblems that caused this post, particularly entry 218, which is a #3 by Walter Grimshaw that is said to have won 1st prize at an “Englischer Turnier” in 1852.

The immediate question is: ‘what tourney is that’? And is it the same or a different one from that mentioned in entries 206 and 207 (“Londoner Schachturnier, 1852”)?

I haven’t found anything to help avoid such confusion, so perhaps it is time to make a first attempt.

See the Tourneys page for a first attempt.