Chess Players Chronicle, 1885
— | (Tourney abandoned?) |
Thirteen prizes were announced, subject only to the requirement of at least
six problems competing for each prize. (For the second s# pr., a minimum of
twelve problems were required.)
An additional prize was donated by F. F. Pott, and used for a second prize for #2. A prize was also donated by E. J. Winter Wood for the most artistic problem.
Some additional constraints applied for these.
However, it is not clear if all classes were the same, or if an entry for one
class of problems (say, for
the prize for problems containing the least number of pieces) also entered
other classes (say, for #3 pr. or for the best problem by a lady). Two problems
were published with an explicit prize class mentioned (We are but few: problem with fewest pieces; The Promoted Bishop: most variations),
and the problem Garvest II, a #2 with 16+16 men, seems likely to be an
entry for the most necessary pieces
The judge was announced to be the problem editor, but no indications of his
identity has yet been found, if indeed this role at the time was separate
from that of general editor.
A solution tourney was held for published problem, with prizes for greatest
number of entries and errors, for direct mates as well as for self-mates.
Published problems were numbered 1-24 and 26-56. Number 25 was expected in the
first issue of v. 9 (i. 57), but no problems appeared in that issue. No four-fold mates or retractors were published.
As the problem editor declined the role of
judge in the Summer Tourney, 1884 it is not clear why he would accept the same role in this one.
The numbered mottos (e.g. Bresgar II) suggest that at least two
additional problems were received but not printed.
After problem 56 was published, the tourney fell silent.
Some form of notice could reasonably be expected after closing date
(30th June, 1885), for example mentioning the number of received problems. Similarly, after the final problem was published,
a note about when the results would be announced,
both for the main tourney and for the solving tourney could be expected.
However, no such notices or other information about the tourney or the solving tourney have been found.
No solutions were printed for problems printed to and including 1885-06-03 (i.e.
in volume 8). In volume 9, however, solutions are printed. The reason for this change is not clear.
Going by the 'at least six problems before a prize was awarded' rule,
only three classes were eligible (#2: 17 prbs.; #3: 22 prbs.; s#: 6 prbs.)
This excludes problems known to be submitted for other classes (one #4 for
'least nr of pieces', and one #2 for most number of variations).